
Growing Guide

Where to plant

Full sun (at least 6 hrs). Well drained soil.

Sow depth


Space between seeds / seedlings


Row space


Size of pot needed (width / depth)


Seedling Sow Depth


Best practice

Directly sown

Germination (days)


Maturity (days)


How to Grow

From seed

Dig a narrow furrow, sow seeds and cover with seed raising mix.

Firm down and keep moist.

Once seedlings are 10-12cm tall thin them out to 10cm spacings and give them room to grow.

Don't waste the onions you thin out, they can be used as spring onions!

From seedling

Plant seedlings 10cm apart and water in well.

In a pot

Onions can be grown in pots, but need space to make the growing worthwhile.

Consider growing in a large contained or bath.

Choose large pot.

Follow seed-> seedling -> harvest guide.

Ready to harvest

Bulbs are ready when the leafy tops wilt and fall over.

Gently pull the onion out of the ground, cut the leaves off a few cm above the bulb and leave them in a warm sunny spot to dry out.

Once the skins and roots are dry, they can be stored in wire baskets and mesh bags in a cool dry spot.

Collect seed

You’ll know it’s time for harvesting onion seeds when the umbrels or flowering heads begin turning brown.

Carefully clip the stalks a few inches below the head and place them in a paper bag.

Set the bag in a cool, dry place for several weeks.

When the heads are completely dry, shake them vigorously within the bag to release the seeds.

When to Grow


Zone 1 - Cool

March , April , May , June , July , August , September


Zone 2 - Temperate

March , April , May , June , July


Zone 3 - Subtropical

February , March , April , May

Companion Planting

Tips for Care

Don't plant onion seeds too deeply or they won't grow
You don't have to wait until bulbs are full size to harvest them, You can pick and use smaller bulbs and leave the rest to grow bigger.
Onions may go to seed if they are not planted at the right time of the year, so make sure to check when onions like to be planted in your region!
All varieties of peas and beans can be detrimental to onions.

The same goes for sage and asparagus.

Another bad onion neighbor is actually other onion plants.

Onions frequently suffer from onion maggots, which can travel easily from plant to plant when they’re spaced close together.

Other onion-like plants, such as garlic, leeks, and shallots, are also common targets of onion maggots.

Avoid planting them near onions so the onion maggots can’t travel easily.
Many of the seeds or sets acquired from large seed production companies are hybrids, which means the seeds are a cross between two parent varieties chosen for specific characteristics.

When blended together, they give us the best of both varieties.

That’s great, but if you’re planning to harvest onion seed from these hybrids, there’s a catch.

The saved seeds will most likely produce onion with the traits of one parent or the other, but not both, and that’s if they germinate at all.

Some companies modify a gene within the plant to produce sterile seeds.

So, rule number one: Don’t harvest onion seeds from hybrids.

Pests & Problems
