Snails and Slugs

Pests Guide

Signs of the Pest


Large ragged holes


Chew marks on leaf edges


Silvery trails on leaves or ground.

Solutions to the Pest


Keep snails and slugs under control with a spray mixture, of 1-3 drops of eco-dish soap into a spray bottle of water.

Spray the whole plant (under and on top of the leaves) to deter these nibblers!


Go to your garden at night, and pick and chuck the snails and slugs out direclty when you see them.


Spread crushed up eggshells or seashells to slow down the slugs as they crawl.


Break off the bottom leaves of brassicas, cabbages, leafy greens that have already been nibbled as foliage on the soil, for creepy crawlys to eat first, before getting to your prize veg!


Bundles of twigs and sticks at the edges of your garden or greenhouse will encourage skinks to take up residence and they will eat all the slugs and snails, you can tell they have moved in when you start finding empty snail shells everywhere.