
Growing Guide

Where to plant

Full sun. Well drained, Alkaline soil.

Sow depth


Space between seeds / seedlings


Row space


Size of pot needed (width / depth)


Seedling Sow Depth


Germination (days)


Maturity (days)


How to Grow

From seed

Plant pomegranate seeds in loose, alkaline soil 1.5cm deep, 25cm apart.

If growing in a container, keep inside until the pomegranate has four strong leaves.

Then begin to 'harden' by placing outside for a few hours a day.

In a pot

Plant pomegranate seeds in loose soil 1.5cm deep, in a medium container.

For outdoor or indoor pomegranate trees grown in containers, you will need around a 10-gallon (38 L.) container one-quarter full of potting soil.

Set the root ball into the container and begin to fill in around the roots with the soil to the top of the container but not covering the trunk.

Water the new tree in well and lightly tamp the soil down to eliminate any air pockets.

Put the pot in a sunny, warm window, and keep the soil moist as your seeds germinate and grow.

For added humidity and warmth during winter, you may find it helpful to cover the pot loosely with a clear plastic bag until the seeds have sprouted.

Pomegranate plants grow large, so best to expose the plant slowly to the cold, and plant outside.

From Plant

When the weather warms in spring, you can begin gradually hardening off the plants before moving them permanently outdoors.

Even though mature plants can handle some cold, wait until freezing weather has passed before planting your seedlings.

Set the root ball into the container and begin to fill in around the roots with the soil to the top of the container but not covering the trunk.

Water the new tree in well and lightly tamp the soil down to eliminate any air pockets.

Put the pot in a sunny, warm spot.

Ready to harvest

Ripe pomegranates turn from round to slightly angular, with the sides becoming more square and the stem and blossom ends becoming flatter.

Skin Texture and Splitting.

The skin on pomegranate fruits shifts from being smooth and hard to slightly rough and softer as they ripen.

Collect seed

Turn over the pomegranate.

And hit the pomegranate with a spatula over a bowl to dislodge all the juicy seeds.

Clean all pulp off the seeds.

These seeds will germinate at normal room temperature in about 30-40 days.

Bring the soil temperature up a few degrees and you can cut this time in half.

Try surrounding your plant with foil and placing it in direct sun until the seedlings sprout.

When to Grow


Zone 1 - Cool

March , April , May , June , July , August , September


Zone 2 - Temperate

March , April , May , June , July , August , September


Zone 3 - Subtropical

March , April , May , June , July , August , September

Companion Planting

Tips for Care

Pomegranate prefers alkaline soil.

Alkalise the area you prepare to plant in by adding wood ash.
It is better to plant a pomegranate seed from a cutting if you would like the fruit to be consistent.
Prune outdoor plants in spring, and indoor plants in early winter.

Remove dead, broken, or crossing branches as well as any suckers that have appeared at the base of the plants.
Pomegranates often do not start bearing fruit until they are five years old.

Pests & Problems

