Cabbage Moth Caterpillar

Pests Guide

Signs of the Pest


Holes in the leaves or flower stalks (as is often the case with broccoli)


Skeletonized leaves


The presence of their dark green, round, pelleted excrement, called frass

Solutions to the Pest


Plant herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage) to deter the cabbage moth


Birds need insects to thrive, and can be a natural pest eradication method! Encourage birds to take up residence in your vegetable garden by putting up nesting boxes and eliminating the use of harmful synthetic chemical pesticides that end up in the food chain.


To encourage beneficial insects to naturally help you limit cabbage worm issues, plant lots of flowering herbs and annuals in and around your vegetable garden.

Of particular importance are small-flowered plants, such as dill, fennel, cilantro, oregano, chamomile, thyme, sweet alyssum, and more


Handpicking is another very effective method of physical control for this pest.

Head out to the garden on a daily basis and examine the tops and bottoms of the leaves.

Pick off any caterpillars you find and squish them.

Or, simply toss them out of the veggie patch and onto the lawn.

There, spiders, ground beetles, birds, and other animals will make a quick lunch out of them.