Ti kouka or Cabbage Tree (Cordyline australis)

Growing Guide

Where to plant

Cabbage trees grow all over New Zealand in a range of habitats from coastal areas through to inland foothills. They particularly favour the alluvial soils of flood plains, swamps and lakesides where they like growing in full sunlight. As tī kōuka grow old and stems die, shoots can grow from the trunk. Cabbage trees are quick growing and tolerate very wet soil. They are frequently found in wetlands but are also widespread in other habitats. Because they produce masses of seed, they are an ideal species to colonise disturbed areas or re-vegetate riverbanks but fail to thrive once other trees shade them out.

Germination (days)


How to Grow

From seed

Propagation: Sow thinly on a firm bed of seed raising mix and cover lightly with mix.

Seedlings begin to appear two to four months depending on temperature.

The seedlings can be vulnerable to botrytis (grey mould) if sown too thickly.

Collect seed

White flowers appear en masse in the spring and are followed by white berries in the autumn containing several black seeds.

Collect seed from February to June.

When to Grow


Zone 1 - Cool

January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December


Zone 2 - Temperate

January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December


Zone 3 - Subtropical

January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December

Companion Planting

Tips for Care

Pests & Problems


